[RBS] Kuppah shel tzadakah chupas in public property

[RBS] Kuppah shel tzadakah chupas in public property

Ephrayim Naiman ejnaiman at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 23:55:52 IST 2012

> I called 106 this afternoon, and they said they already knew about them.
> FYI, the one on the corner of Refaim/Maor is already down.

The police and 106 knew about them on the *first* day they were put up.
They were *dangerous* then and many are still dangerous now.
The one on Gilo was also down on Shabbos and kids were playing with it
(which may be how it came down).

I will be *amazed* if KST has an Ishur for this.
Which means that the Iriya will not and did not deal with them.
Maybe they fined KST.

If KST does have an Ishur, then it is amazing the Iriya gave such an
Ishur for such flimsy and dangerous items to be put up.

There are many such illegal items put up around our town on public
property, such as the dozens of tzedaka boxes, which the Iriya will
not deal with.

Mitzva Haba'a Be'Aveira may apply here - check with your own LOR.

Someone could "sue" the city to do its job - but I'd suggest that
person not have any personal local interests (like living here :-).

-Ephrayim Naiman
ejnaiman at gmail.com

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