[RBS] Did you, your child, or your Hebrew speaking friends find a black wallet??

[RBS] Did you, your child, or your Hebrew speaking friends find a black wallet??

batya batyachanna at bezeqint.net
Fri Feb 10 08:23:39 IST 2012

Last Shabbat a black wallet with a Canadian driver's license and other important docs was lost in the park on Maor, near Rabbi Soloveichik's shul. I saw the wallet and made sure it was well covered with gravel. Motzei Shabbos, when I went back to retrieve the wallet, it was gone. There was a large group of children playing in the park. Maybe they know ro saw who took the wallet...perhaps it was a Hebrew speaker who doesn't read this list, or a kid who was excited with his or her find... I found the owner. He is a young man who lives in Modi'in, and he would really like the wallet back. Please ask your children if they know anything about this. Thanks. Batya Shevach Shabbat Shalom 077-700-5382

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