Susan Reuben s.r.reuben at googlemail.com
Wed Jan 25 09:23:17 IST 2012

"Oops, was I allowed to say that?"
"I don't even know her, how can I give her this information?"
"Now what does she mean by is he SMART???"
"I MUST tell my neighbour that I know the other side, and I dont think it's matim..."

learn what you can and can't say with regards to shidduchim.  

The Halachos, along with any questions, will be addressed by HaRav Kornfeld Shlita.

Come along this evening (wednesday) at 8.30pm at the home of Danielle Leiba, Nahal Luz 8/2.  for more information call:  999 9386.

This is for women only.

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