[RBS] L'zecher Rav Elyashiv Zt"l

[RBS] L'zecher Rav Elyashiv Zt"l

Harry greenspan rabbispan at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 18 23:29:07 IDT 2012

I would like to offer a series of shiurim for women & men on a topic of interest to those who are lacking a Yeshiva/Seminary background.            One idea:A 3-4 part seminar in the history/structure/sources/laws of Tefilla,for example,using charts and outlines I have prepared for those of us who "depend on Artscroll"[of which I have the highest regard!]to get through dovening--Knowing the halachot,structure, sources,and the relative significance of various parts of the siddur can make one tefila experience much more meaningful--I even have charts to illustrate the priorities in womens' tefila,which are quite different than those of men--OR:We could do a series on Berachot for food,to include the order of beracha recitation[not only which one comes before the other,but what the criteria are to choose one fruit over another to say the beracha "over",when eating multiple items with the SAME beracha]--You'd be surprised at the numerous rules there
 apply!-----Open to these suggestions,and any others you may have--We could also discuss an appropriate time & place for the shiurim--In my experince,many baalei-teshuva [and even FFBs willing to admit it!] have gaps in their knowledge of these dinim-- Feedback encouraged: Rabbi H Greenspan   rabbispan at yahoo.com---P.S.For those of you who attended my series on "How to DO a "seder leil Pesach",that would be the

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