[RBS] Mothers of children with severe food allergies needed

[RBS] Mothers of children with severe food allergies needed

rcohen613 at aol.com rcohen613 at aol.com
Tue Jun 5 22:58:31 IDT 2012

Dear Community,

I have a toddler patient with multiple, severe food allergies. His mother is in desperate need of speaking with other moms of food allergic children who share her and her family's challenges. She feels like a prisoner in her own home due to the careful watchfullness of her child and her fear of exposure to allergens outside of her home. She needs to share her fears and concerns with those who have first hand experience with highly allergic children. She has searched for a gan which is totally peanut free, with little success. She needs to know from others what resources are available to her and her family.

If you can help, please write me with your contact information at IsraelAllergy at gmail.com and I will confidentially try to make an allergy support shidduch.

Thank you and tizku l'mitzvos!

Robert Cohen, M.D.

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