[RBS] [BS/RBS list] Arabs shopping in Yesh

[RBS] [BS/RBS list] Arabs shopping in Yesh

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 12:23:47 IDT 2012

You guys people seem to have NO idea what is going on in the "real" world
outside BS, where thousands of Jewish girls are being courted, dated by, and
"married" by these same, democratic-right protected arabs. You know what
happens after that...If they're lucky, you'll hear their story in several
years by Yad L'achim. If they're not lucky, you'll have ARAB GRANDCHILDREN.

This is not a threat...this is maasim bechom yom! Open up your eyes and see
what's going on to girls from the FINEST families, in cities all over the
country. If you don't believe me, see http://yadleachim.org/ or

Yes, there IS a way to get them out of our neighborhood. No, it is not
pretty, and it is not for democratically-inclined citizens, either. It's for
people with strong Jewish Pride, and people who care enough about their
families and their cities to show the arabs that they are not welcome in
this town.

It starts out with one or two, and then, we will have hundreds living in the
area, and then Sudanese, and who knows what else.

It can be done. It is being done in Pisgat Ze'ev and other communities with
strong Jews and infringing arab communities.

Aryeh Sonnenberg

-----Original Message-----
From: list-bounces at shemesh.co.il [mailto:list-bounces at shemesh.co.il] On
Behalf Of Batya Shevach
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 8:15 AM
To: list at shemesh.co.il
Subject: Re: [BS/RBS list] Arabs shopping in Yesh

Guess what everybody? We live in a free, democratic country. There is no way
for anyone to prevent Arabs from shopping in Yesh, just as Osher Ad can't
make secular women wear shawls, and the Reishit pool can't prevent chassidim
from coming to swim (no offense to any secular women or chassidim -these are
just things I've heard others complain about!). It may be unpleasant and
even frightening for us to see Arabs in our store, but it is quite
commonplace to see Arabs shopping in Jewish stores in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv,
and Haifa, as well as on the train from Tel Aviv to Beit Shemesh (they get
off in Ramle, Lod, and Jerusalem). Our little immigrant town is becoming a
big city, and we will have all the perks and problems that all cities have.
Now only if there were as many sightings of police patrol cars as there have
been of Arabs....

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