[RBS] Child Safety Reminders

[RBS] Child Safety Reminders

Shay Adler shnortnshay at gmail.com
Fri May 18 00:15:08 IDT 2012

The summer is approaching and the heat is already upon us. PLEASE PLEASE do
not leave children in the car, *especially* in this weather. The
temperature in the car reaches deadly levels and can cause serious heat
stroke or death, G-d forbid.

I am a mother and know what it is like to need to leave a child in the car
for just one minute. If it is a moment and there is no other option, make
sure all the windows are wide open. Because at least if you forget, we are
human and it happens often, or if G-d forbid something happens to you, at
least someone else will hopefully notice your precious baby in case of

Remind your children about street safety to prevent kids from running in
between cars and through the streets. They are playing outside a lot now
and easily forget the rules about chasing balls and forgetting that it is
not shabbos. They are small and so hard to see.

Remind them about stranger safety and inappropriate touching. Make sure
they are not left alone in dark places, or left walking home in deserted
areas. There are still many known molesters out there. Nothing has changed.
Establish a good connection with them so that they can always tell you if
something is not right. Lots of kids are going to pools, know who they are
going with. Remember that it is not just the strangers that you must beware
of, many cases happen within families and with trusted relatives. Remind
them of bribes and threats and secrets. Remind them always to come to you
with *anything* even if they think it is small, wrong, or their fault.
Remind them it isn't.

Last but not least, PLEASE strap your children into car seats and in seat
belts. Placing an infant seat on the front seat is not only dangerous, but
also needs to be strapped in wherever it is. I am seeing cars EVERY day
with parents who conveniently strapped themselves in, but who don't have
the decency to strap their little babies in. I know kids don't always
*like*to wear seat belts but it is SO important. It doesn't matter
that you are
just driving for a few minutes. It takes just a second for something
terrible to happen. You don't get do-overs on mistakes like those.

These are our children. They can't speak for themselves, please go out of
your way to take better care of them. As parents it is our duty. We decided
to bring them here, let's try to protect them to the best of our abilities.
Don't make mistakes that you can never undo.

Have a good shabbos.

Keep our kids safe.

S. Adler
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