[RBS] Guys...Unhappy with your Weight or Blood Work Results????

[RBS] Guys...Unhappy with your Weight or Blood Work Results????

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 09:08:18 IST 2012


Fed up with struggling with your weight on your own???

Struggle no more, as the Rosenberg’s SLIM FOR LIFE for men program is
starting again!

The program consists of a weekly weigh-in, proven program to follow, advice,
tips and encouragement!

Meetings are planned for Monday evenings, Nachal Refaim 38/1, and after your
1st meeting you can come any time between 9.00pm and 10.15pm
(other times possible by arrangement).
This program really works. I can vouch for it personally myself.

Shraga does the weigh in and Elisheva (nutritionist- many years experience,
repeatedly quoted in Hamodia) tailors the program to suit you.
Cost? New members are only 350 for 10 weeks.
To register send an e mail to elisheva8 at bezeqint.net. For more information,
send an email or call Shraga or Elisheva Rosenberg at 999 6479.

Aryeh Sonnenberg
“The Land is Very, Very Good,” so lose the weight, and reduce your risk of
early “retirement” so you can enjoy it until 120.

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