[RBS] learn from Moshe Rabbeinu- what i learnt form Rebbetzin Heller

[RBS] learn from Moshe Rabbeinu- what i learnt form Rebbetzin Heller

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 12:51:19 IST 2012

feel your brothers' pain
turn on your radio

you can use your internet to hear the radio live
just put on a real israeli radio station, galei tzahal, kol israel, whatever
even if you don't understand a word, you canto miss
the number of interruptions announcing Tzeva Adom in....., every few minutes
every time you hear that tzeva adom, stop for a minute and daven
for the physical and emotional  health of the residents of that
area, the soldiers, the volunteers

dave\n that Hashem should give Eitza Tova to the leaders
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