[RBS] Who is interested in a community trip to Sderot ?

[RBS] Who is interested in a community trip to Sderot ?

yotzma2 yotzma2 at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 22 11:38:58 IST 2012

Like many of you, I am horrified by what our country has gone through over the last few years and especially this last week. I thank G-d that the sirens were not going off in Bet Shemesh, but too many of our brothers and sisters have been living in unbearable conditions as missiles rained down on their homes and communities. I am comforted by the outpouring of support for our soldiers and the hosting of families that needed to get out of the line of fire, but there is still more we as a community can do. Southern businesses have suffered and many people are in need of a friendly smile.

I am considering chartering a bus from RBS one morning next week (if the ceasefire holds) to take BS/RBS residents down to the center of Sderot for 2-3 hours to go shopping, order lunch at a cafe, or just simply talk to people and let them know we have not forgotten them. It is only worth getting a bus if we can fill it, so this posting is to see how many people would be interested and available to come. I could also use some input if anyone knows someone who owns or works for a private bus company that I could hire or help me arrange that (price, how many seats, etc.) as I have never chartered a bus and my Hebrew is not so great.

If you are interested in helping organize or being part of this trip, please email me at joshmoesch at gmail.com with your name, email, phone number, and how many people you are responding for. Please also mention if there are specific days that do or do not work for you. I am thinking of leaving RBS at 9am and returning before 2pm on either Wednesday or Thursday if possible. If there are enough people who respond, I will move forward with this.

Thank you

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