[RBS] Shiurim at The GRA starting again this WEDNESDAY: You are invited!

[RBS] Shiurim at The GRA starting again this WEDNESDAY: You are invited!

rcohen613 at aol.com rcohen613 at aol.com
Sun Oct 14 17:25:21 IST 2012

The new zeman for Yeshivas HaGra begins this Wednesday. Therefore, the noon-time shiurim series will also begin this Wednesday. 

Sundays       12:30-1:00 PM        HaRav Elimelech Kornfeld       Chovos Halevavos
Mondays      12:15-1:00 PM        R' Yitzchok Solomon                 Choshen Mishpat
Tuesdays     12:15-1:00 PM        R' Yehonason Alpren                Shir HaShirim              (Men and Women)  
Wednesdays 12:15-1:00 PM      R' Baruch Schechter                 Nach:Sefer Shoftim
Thursdays    12:15-1:00 PM        Rav Avraham Jacobovitz         Parsha HaShavua       (Men and Women)
Fridays        11:00-11:45 AM      Rav Aryeh Greenes                   Halacha and Parsha


Beginning this Wednesday, R' Baruch Schechter will be continuing his Nach series. We will be beginning Sefer Shoftim, so now is the perfect time to join us. Bring a friend!


R' Boruch Dzialowski's popular halacha shiur will resume this Wednesday morning, IY"H. The shiurim take place Sunday-Thursday (except Tuesdays) at 8:50-9:10 AM.

Yeshivas HaGra is a morning learning program for men who are motivated to learn in a warm, friendly, and structured environment. We encourage you to join us and please spread the word about this unique opportunity.  Gemara shiurim and chavrusas are available at all different skill levels. Call Avrohom Wellins for more details (054-979-6379), or, just show up!

Location: Kehillas HaGra
                 6 Nachal Luz



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