[RBS] Tonight is Two-Night! Kuzari, too!

[RBS] Tonight is Two-Night! Kuzari, too!

Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham (BTYA) Info Line info2 at btya.org
Tue Oct 30 10:18:48 IST 2012

Tonight, in addition to the 8:15-9:15 shiur in Maseches B’rachos, we are
starting a new shiur in SEFER HAKUZARI!

The sefer, one of the most basic works of Jewish philosophy, explains our
relationship with HaShem, the Torah, and each other.

Written by the famous Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi, a rishon, the sefer is quoted and
cited by all subsequent baalei mussar and hashkafa.

Rabbi Yehuda HaLevy is also the author of many of the Kinnos recited on
Tisha B’Av.

Tonight, from 9:20-10:15 PM at BTYA, taught by Rabbi Binyamin Jacobson, a
master teacher, and someone who has spent years learning it.

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