[RBS] Found: Large tube of body scrub from London in package from post office

[RBS] Found: Large tube of body scrub from London in package from post office

Leeba Rosenthal hazlucha at bezeqint.net
Fri Jan 4 00:41:19 IST 2013

I was asked to forward this, I have no further info




The company is Anatomicals from London, UK. It's a large red tube of Body Scrub.
I received a package in the mail last week from my parents-in-law in NY, USA.  There was a big hole in the side of the package, probably from meches (customs) opening to check what's inside.  
Anyway, there was nothing missing from my package but apparently something had fallen out of someone else's package & customs decided to just stuff it into any open package (mine).
Anyone know how I go about finding the rightful owners?
I took it back to the post office, but they said that they'd just send it back with a note & that it was highly unlikely that they'd figure out when & from where it fell out.  So I'm hoping that someone reading this post will have a better idea.
Tizku L'Mitzvohs!
Ruthie   ruti301 at yahoo.com 










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