[RBS] Recommendation for OUTSTANDING Occupational Therapist

[RBS] Recommendation for OUTSTANDING Occupational Therapist

Rivka Ester Rothstein rivkaest at 012.net.il
Sat Jul 13 23:45:00 IDT 2013

She told my daughter she was a hand-writing detective, but I think she's a
magician!  She had more tricks up her sleeve than any practitioner I've ever
met, and was able to diagnose and monitor my daughter's challenges till she
pronounced her finished with treatment, having achieved the various goals
she set in spades.


If you're in the market for an exceptional OT, I give my highest
recommendation to Shana Zakai, who receives private clients at her home
office in Beit Shemesh.


Her phone number is 054-814-7120. I actually originally found her through a
recommendation on these lists, and would like to thank whoever that poster
was for finding Shana for us!




~Rivka Ester



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