[RBS] Yom Iyun on the subject of the Hurban at Ramat Shalom

[RBS] Yom Iyun on the subject of the Hurban at Ramat Shalom

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Mon Jul 15 17:27:06 IDT 2013

(in hebrew)


8:04pm - arvit plus megillat eicha
8:45 - guest lecturer, Rav Yair Baloulou from Machon haMikdash, with a
matzeget on the mikdash as it was and as it will be

bbq at har tzion
but if not, then
6:00 first shaharit
8:00 second shaharit
after kinot and eicha , shiurim as follows :

10:00 Rav Dr Moshe Pinchuk explaining teh kinna "Eli Tzion v"areha"

10:30 Shlomo Goren  - the kina  of Yirmiyahu about Yoshiahu

11;00 Rav Nir Vargon (Rav of Ramat Shalom) : why were teh 10 harugei
malchut killed

11:30 Rav Rafi Roness - songs of the leviim at the time of Hurban

v'chol hamit'abel al yerushalaim yizke v'yireh b'simhata
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