[RBS] Rabbi Breitowitz at Limudei Lottie- L'iluy NIshmas Rav Zev Shimshon ben Yaakov Tuvia Halevi

[RBS] Rabbi Breitowitz at Limudei Lottie- L'iluy NIshmas Rav Zev Shimshon ben Yaakov Tuvia Halevi

Chana Ginsburg limudeilottie.chana at gmail.com
Sun Nov 10 17:00:54 IST 2013

Limudei Lottie Fall Semester 2013

In memory of Mrs. Lottie Rosenson, AH

 October 7th- November 25 (8 weeks)

Donation opportunities available to honor a happy occasion, for a
refuah shelaima, and in memory of a loved one.


9:00-10:25  Mrs. Rachel Hershberg        20 nis note change in time!

Emunah through Text Study

  Rachel Hershberg taught and privately tutored Chumash and other
topics at She'arim for over fifteen years, as well as directing the
tutoring program. She combines tremendous enthusiasm for Torah study
with total support and high expectations of her students. Rebbitzen
Hershberg's classes are always interactive, supportive, demanding,
conceptual, and with a good dose of humor.

10:30-11:25 Rebbetzin Simi Malinowitz 15 nis

Hachana and Kavanos for the Birchos Hashachar (includes Asher Yatzar)-
Inspiration for your Morning.

Rebbitzen Malinowitz,  (Rebbitzen of Bais Tefilla Yona Avraham), has
taught Torah for many years  in chu”l. Since Aliya, she has taught in
High School and various seminaries in Yerushalayim, and has been also
involved in adult education. The Rebbitzen is available for
appointments through Limudei Lottie

11:30-12:30  Mini Course Monday 20 nis

 Nov 11 Rav Yitzchak Breitowitz, shlita

Lessons of Chanuka: The Light that Dispels the Darkness

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz is a Senior Lecturer in Yeshivas Ohr
Somayach in Jerusalem. Until his family’s aliyah in April 2010, he was
the Rabbi of the Woodside Synagogue in Silver Spring, Maryland and
Professor of Law at the University of Maryland Law School
(specializing in contracts, bankruptcy, commercial law, and
bioethics). He has written and lectured extensively both in the US and
Israel on the interface of halacha and contemporary society with a
special interest and expertise in medical, family, business, and legal
ethics. (A number of his shorter pieces can be found for free on
jlaw.com and longer essays on judaiclaw.org ). He has also written
many basic sourcebooks on Jewish values for NCSY.


Rebbitzen Attara Waxman- Parenting


Class size is limited. Please email limudeilottie.chana at gmail.com to
see if there are spots available.

Rebbitzen Dina Schoonmaker- Mussar Vaad-  NO CLASS on November 12th!


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