[RBS] The young families forum: parents workshops

[RBS] The young families forum: parents workshops

tami elmaliach elmaliacht at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 09:39:49 IST 2013

Your child has suddenly  matured!  Immigration, beginning a new
reality may create a negative impact on your relationship.

The young families forum* invites you to join for a series of workshops
discussing the relationship between parents and adolescents.

Topics to be discussed:
What is parental authority
Methods of communication in the family
Relationships between siblings
The impact of Aliyah on your  children and you as a couple

 The workshops will be held by a psychologist and will be held in "Ivrit kala".

The workshops are under the auspice of the Municipality of Beit Shemesh and
Ministry of Immigrant Absorption.
The program will take place on Sundays at 20:00 at Beit
Haole on 16 Shderot hadekel st., Beit Shemesh (near the Meirhoff

If you are interested please contact Ana at 052-6076841 or at
nehamalapid at gmail.com

Hope to see you!

 *  The goal of this project is to open the lines of communication
between the olim families from all of Beit Shemesh.
The requirements for this group are families between the ages of 20-50
that have made Aliyah in the present or in the past, from different
parts of the world, live in Beit Shemesh and speak Hebrew.

The group will meet a few times throughout the year. The meetings will
consist of workshops, lectures, trips etc.

If you are interested in taking part in this project, please send an
email to Nehama Lapid, coordinator of youth and young families
nehamalapid at gmail.com 052-6076841, 02-9997704

Tami Elmaliach
Project coordinator
English speaking olim
Municipality of Beit Shemesh
olimhelp at gmail.com

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