[RBS] A One-of-a Kind Morning Shiur

[RBS] A One-of-a Kind Morning Shiur

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 22:34:18 IST 2013

Meet Rav Meir Pogrow's MASTER TORAH..

* If you are looking for a change in your AM learning
* If you are looking to Master what you learn
* If you are looking to REMEMBER what you learn

Join this Amud Yomi chabura, given in a way that helps you understand,
remember, and master!

See the concept:

The goal:
The goal of this program is to master all of SHA"S, knowing the "Shaklah
Vetaryah" ("Give and Take") fluidly and in many cases retaining it entirely
by heart. It is naturally a daunting task to master some 5400+ pages of
Talmud, but it is doable with discipline, a game plan and an unwavering
daily commitment. While appropriate for Advanced Talmud students, the
program is still accessible for anyone with a basic understanding of the
structure of the Gemara and 3 or more years of learning experience. By
following the program, one can know, retain and master Blatt, Mesechtos, and
eventually, the entire Talmud.

The shiur is given live, here in RBS, from 5:30-6:00, 5 days a week. Then,
we review for an hour.
If that time isn't good for you, you can download the shiur and set your own

NOW LEARNING BAVA KAMMA. Starting the 6th perek next week.

For more details, write back.

Aryeh Sonnenberg

"The Temple Mount – Heart of the Jewish Nation"
הר הבית – לב האומה

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