[RBS] How a Local Gardener Works on Shemitta

[RBS] How a Local Gardener Works on Shemitta

Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham Information info2 at btya.org
Thu Nov 21 23:23:52 IST 2013

This Tuesday (the eve of 24 Kislev 26/11), Saul Glasser, a most erudite
gardener (and a good friend), will be sharing with us the how and why for
which agricultural activities he does during shemittah AND which he does

This is the topic that Rav Malinowitz's shemittah shiur has been
learning-i.e., the first perek of the Rambam's Hilchos Shemita.

Join this shiur for the practical applications, then come back the week
after to understand what's all behind it!

Tuesday nights, 9:15 pm -10:00ish.

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