[RBS] Reach Out

[RBS] Reach Out

Avrohom avrohom at lemaanachai.org
Mon Sep 2 14:49:09 IDT 2013

Reaching out to help others is a most effective way to help yourself before 
Rosh HaShana.

For 14 years Lema'an Achai has extended a hand up to help those in need 
become self sufficient.

Rather than just giving handouts of food and money Lema'an Achai's Smart 
Chesed provides the tools to empower people to make a brighter future.

This Rosh Hashana we need your participation so that we can continue to help 
families on their journey to stand on their own.

Your generous tax deductible contribution provides thousands of hours of 
financial counseling, employment preparation, crucial life changing, 
therapy, free dentistry, business development, youth programming and a host 
of material assistance to sustain families.

Please reach out today by returning the postage paid envelope you received 
in the mail. Or if you prefer you can donate online securely at 
www.smartchesed.org or by calling 9999933 24/6. There will be shul reps 
available to take your donation on Erev Rosh HaShana.

In the great merit of reaching out to others may you and your families have 
a K'tiva V'Chatima Tova, a Shana Tova, a sweet year of health, brocha and 

Tizku L'Mitzvot!

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