[RBS] Vasikin Minyanim for Rosh Hashona

[RBS] Vasikin Minyanim for Rosh Hashona

Kehillas Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham info2 at btya.org
Mon Sep 2 14:32:13 IDT 2013


BTYA will be having a Vasikin minyan for both days of Rosh Hashona, IYH.

B'rachos 5:24 AM
HaMelech 6:09 AM
HaNetz 6:31:15/6:32:00 AM

This minyan is being offered to the Tzibbur for the express purpose of
enabling one to daven Amidah at the most appropriate time. The minyan will
NOT be having Chazzoras HaSha"tz. The pace and decorum will be similar to
the main minyan.

PLEASE, reply to this message if you expect to attend. Even if you wish to
daven completely through musaf, please reply if you would join US just for
shacharis (if we need you).*

For your scheduling needs:
6:31:15/6:32:00 Amidah (HaNetz HaNireh)

7:00 main minyan - B'rachos
7:40 main minyan - HaMelech
8:25 main minyan - Chazzoras HaSha"tz

Kesiva VaChasima Tova.

* If you are thinking to yourself, "why daven shacharis only at BTYA, if I
will have to go somewhere else for the rest?" The answer is, that if you
start davening by us, then when you get to the Musaf place, everyone who
paid for a seat will aready be there, so you won't be made uncomfortable
being asked to move to some other place.


BTYA, under the guidance of HoRav Malinowitz, is located in RBS A, at Nachal
Refaim 34A, corner of Luz.

For more information, or to hear recorded shiurim, visit our Web site at

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