[RBS] URGENT! Read this about the RBS food recycling program....

[RBS] URGENT! Read this about the RBS food recycling program....

Jeffrey Bell hotslucha at bezeqint.net
Fri Jan 3 15:24:06 IST 2014


This note was just received by our program  from a new recipient and I felt
that all of you should see it as soon as possible:
"thank you very much, and we distributed  part  of it to very grateful
neighbor who is a divorced lady with four very young children.
She lives in the building opposite ours; she had tears of joy in her eyes
when I came to her with the food".....

PLEASE ask yourself this question; when is the last time you could help
bring tears of JOY to a single mother who lacks enough  money to pay ALL of
her bills WITHOUT costing yourself a single shekel from your pocket?
Answer: Likely NEVER......until NOW!!

The RBS food recycling program has just entered its 3rd successful year
distributing leftover food which would usually go to the rubbish bin
}garbage can for you silly Americans}....

If you or anyone you know has leftover {mehadrin} fish, chicken, meat,
cheese or salads either from your kitchen or especially from an
affair/simcha, PLEASE write to me at address below to arrange a SUPER
convenient pick up either from your car OR the location of the food if need

ENDLESS thanks and shavua tov,

Beryl Shmuel and family
RBSa residents
hotslucha at bezeqint.net  

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