[RBS] Registering as a Member of the Likud

[RBS] Registering as a Member of the Likud

Rivka Ester Rothstein rivkaest at 012.net.il
Wed Aug 10 13:33:50 IDT 2011

When one registers as a member of the Likud, one is NOT then registering for
a paticular faction, but rather for the Likud party itself.  Factions have
no part of the registering; neither is in-fighting in a party!  But that's
another story.  Which makes the 'warning' irrelevant.

~Rivka Ester

Message: 9
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 07:25:04 +0300
From: "Catriel Lev" <clev at actcom.com>
To: "'Aryeh Sonnenberg'" <aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com>,	"'RBS1'"
	<rbs at cs.huji.ac.il>, "'Rbs2'" <rbs at yahoogroups.com>,
	<list at shemesh.co.il>
Subject: Re: [BS/RBS list] The "Inside" Scoop on the Likud Rally
	Motzaei	Shabbat
Message-ID: <1F8FB202FD2E454F8AF4F9EACE37A344 at HP>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="UTF-8"

Everyone should be aware that Aryeh Sonnenberg represents a particular
faction, called Manhigut Yehudit, within the Likud.

While, in my opinion, it is a good ides to be a Likud member, people who do
not want to be part of the Manhigut Yehudit faction should ensure that they
are NOT registered as part of Aryeh Sonnenberg's faction.

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