[RBS] shout-out for Shefa (106)

[RBS] shout-out for Shefa (106)

Riva joelriva at bezeqint.net
Thu Sep 6 12:43:18 IDT 2012

On my street there is a small swamp of standing water that's been there for
awhile. Finally today I thought I'd try giving 106 a call to report the
problem. I didn't have much faith that anything would be done, but I figured
why not give it a try-this is exactly the type of thing that breeds
mosquitoes, and it's ugly and gross. Well, my call was answered right away
and the woman took down my information including a detailed report of the
problem. But what's really admirable is that a couple of hours later, I got
a call from a pakid at 106 who wanted to clarify exactly what the problem
was and who figured out, with me, that she needs to dispatch a gardener to
check the source of the water (the problem seems to originate in a tree
well), and someone else to check the nikuz system, something she is going to
do right away.


So the next time you see a problem and you hesitate, wondering if it's going
to do any good to call 106, you might want to give it a try, because it
seems like they really are on top of things!



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