[RBS] Payroll companies

[RBS] Payroll companies

Yitzhak Treister cpayitz at gmail.com
Wed Dec 11 18:00:15 IST 2013

As many of you may be aware Yoel Sachir has in the meantime lost a case
with Bituach Leumi about the "legibility" of its payroll company.They are

The "payroll solution" whether legal or not* is definitely not an all
encompassing answer* to each persons situation.
*It is also a very expensive option*
There are a number of factors to weigh and you definitely should be
consulting with an accountant.
Although I offer the payroll alternative, I often find myself talking
people out of this solution and opening files as self employed.
If you are an employee of Yoel Sachir or such other company, or considering
what to do, I am prepared to offer you a free 15 minute phone conversation
where we can examine your various options
All the best

Yitzhak Treister C.P.A
02-9995625 or fax  02-9917578 cell 0523857254
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