[RBS] Community meal for Rav Nosson of Breslov Z"l Thursday night - Asara BeTeves

[RBS] Community meal for Rav Nosson of Breslov Z"l Thursday night - Asara BeTeves

Deena Stadtman DStadtman at aish.com
Wed Dec 11 18:57:39 IST 2013


There will B"H be a community meal for Reb Nosson of Breslov Z"l' Thursday night, Asara 
 BeTeves, at the Ohr Mair Shul on Nachal Lachish street # 4  8:30 PM

Music with Yosef Kardunner 
Harav Tzvi Hakohen Davidovitz Shlita
Divrei Torah and Hisorrerus by one of Mashpeeay Anas"sh 

There is no ezras Nashim unfortunately

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

May Reb Nosson Z"l's zecus help and protect us all

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